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Kathrine Switzer: First Woman to Enter the Boston Marathon

For the Dragonwing team, this video makes us emotional - especially when Jock Semple tries to pull her out. Kathrine's quote "all of a sudden this was very important ......

Concussions important issue for girl athletes-updated info here

There have been many articles and efforts to improve safety on the soccer field for women and girls. As an update to our posts of six years ago, I provide...

Essentials: A Folding Chair and Thermacell

We're adding two new "essentials" to our resources page, and these are geared towards the parents of our athletes. First, every sports mom and dad needs a quality lawn chair...

Summer Fencing

Hi! I’m Julia, a Dragonwing ambassador. My summers have been known to be very busy, and this coming summer is no exception. I start by going to Dallas, Texas, for...

Rock Climbing through the Holidays

Hello Dragonwing girls! I hope all of you are having a great school year and that Halloween was fun. It seems like a long time ago now! This year, I...

Rock Climbing Comps & Coaches

Wow, time has sure flown by! It's hard to believe that this is my sixth blog post as a Dragonwing girlgear Ambassador! For the last month, every weekend has been...

Climbing Competitions & the Power of Smiling

It's September already!! The summer was one of the best and, sadly, the shortest. I'm so glad I've had the opportunity to be part of Dragonwing girlgear, an amazing company...

Passing on the Stories

The most popular professional sports in America, in the world, even, are dominated by men- think football, baseball, basketball, soccer, and, though an increasingly large number of females are playing...
Intro to Billie - Dragonwing Girl

Intro to Billie

Our newest ambassador, Billie, is a competitive twirler who has Nationals this weekend. Billie took a break from practice to tell us more about the sport of Twirl and how...
Last Firsts from a Soccer Mom. - Dragonwing Girl

Last Firsts from a Soccer Mom.

It is that time of year for parents of high school seniors when we're enjoying the last -firsts of many club and high school events. Last first soccer game of...
SOCCER IS HERE!!!! - Dragonwing Girl


It’s finally soccer season!! I can’t believe it’s here—my senior year of soccer. It’s crazy to believe that at the end of this season, I will be done with high...
Corie Barry: From Rugby Field to CEO - Dragonwing Girl

Corie Barry: From Rugby Field to CEO

There's no arguing the fitness benefits for girls playing sports -- but does it really increase their likelihood of success later in life? Athletics teach values that go far beyond...