Wow, time has sure flown by! It's hard to believe that this is my sixth blog post as a Dragonwing girlgear Ambassador! For the last month, every weekend has been filled with rock climbing competitions. My latest competition was super fun even though I had a cold, which left me with little energy. In that comp, I managed to flash my top 5. A "flash" is where you climb to the top of the wall with no falls or other attempts. As you can see from the photo, I'm still wearing my Un-Dee Mini Workout Shorts! Dragonwing Ambassador Madi with rock climbing coaches at competition A couple of weeks ago, I had a little meltdown at rock climbing class. I was doubting myself, thinking "I can't do that" and "I haven't progressed." Eventually I shed a couple of tears. My coaches were so helpful and supportive and really helped me through that horrible mental block. They are amazing. The weather here in Colorado has started to get chilly, but that doesn't bother me. I love the cold weather because I can get into a fuzzy blanket and drink hot chocolate! Another reason I love winter is because I love skiing and snowboarding. I have been a snowboarder for a while but last winter tried out skiing and loved it! I'm looking forward to more fun in the snow this winter. Leave a comment and tell me about your favorite winter sport or activity.