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Back to School Bittersweetness

Remember the Staples TV commercial from a few years back? Dad skipping along the aisles, flanked by droopy kids, while "The Most Wonderful Time of the Year" plays overhead? Back-to-school...

Say Hello to Emma and Sarah!

We're thrilled to introduce two new Dragonwing girlgear bloggers: Emma and Sarah. Emma, who's now blogging here as EmmaH, is a high school senior who loves soccer, socializing with friends...

Every Year is a Good Year

"Time flies when you're having fun" goes the old saying. If that's true (and I believe it is), 2014 was a very fun year. Here at Dragonwing, we've met hundreds...

Sweet Senior Soccer Season

Spring soccer has started for Dragonwing ambassador Emma, and wow, is she excited! In her recent blog post -- complete with ALL CAPS and 4 exclamation points!!!! -- she recounts...