Three more months of school! I can hardly believe I will be a freshman next year. I'm already really excited for high school and connecting with more people. Sadly only one of my friends is going to the same high school as me but, that means I get to make some new friends.
Another great thing that will happen in high school is that my sister will be able to drive, which means I won't be late to rock climbing (at least, less often I hope!)
Getting back into rock climbing after my concussion has been going great. We've been preparing for rope season by practicing falls. Yes, we actually practice falls! When we practice for falls, we climb up the wall and then fall over and over again.
During recent practices, I've been wearing my Dragonwing Stay in Place Mini Headband, and it didn't slip off my head once! I totally recommend this sports headband to every athletic girl. I still love my Dragonwing sports bras, too. Here's a picture of me when my Racer Sports Bra arrived!
We've also been working on our first attempt-best attempt by "onsighting" routes. Onsighting is when you make a clean ascent without prior knowledge of the route or problem. I finally sent my first 11+ project on lead bottom to top -- with only a little bloody nick on knuckle. Success!
Before break our middle school had an award assembly, and I was named to the honor roll! Working my butt off to catch up with assignments after my concussion paid off. And seeing the smiles on my parents' faces was great!