The first week of July was the best of the summer yet! My sister Savannah had a horse show last week. My family and I camped at the show in our camper for the whole week! While we were there, we swam until our fingers turned into raisins. Later, we walked around the town and, of course, watched her show. After the show, we had one more day before we had to leave. On that last day, we were daring (and maybe a bit crazy) and took a hike with nothing! It wasn't a smart decision on our part but luckily it was only a half mile. My Dragonwing Half-Tee Sports Top was great under my tank top.
My Dragonwing Half-Tee Sports Top was great for my July hike in the mountains.
On 4th of July weekend, our family decided to go hiking again and be prepared. This time, it was a four-mile hike, and we ventured off into another trail once we finished the first one. That night, we watched fireworks and all had the best sleep ever. J During our trip, I was away from rock climbing for a week, and I'm so glad to have started back up again. We started the week with hangboard and a big workout. This is a great summer already! What have YOU been doing?