
Dragonwing Girlgear is helping girls everyday with a struggle very prevalent in today's society. With the rise of technology and social media, people are expected to present themselves in an 'idealized' manner, posting only 'flattering pictures' and positive posts. This causes unnecessary comparison, that with kids and teen girls can lead to many problems, such as body image issues and lack of self-esteem. Our goal at Dragonwing Girlgear is to provide girls with the confidence they need to realize their actual potential.

The author of this article above, Alissa Ryan Herr, Founder and CEO of Unity Digital Agency and mom, agrees with our mission. She lays out the foundation, to reach self-actualization using the coined software term 'open source.' Through, sharing, teamwork, accepting failures, being objective and loving one another, Herr said, "We can build a community of other humans who love us and want to help us succeed."

That is what Dragonwing Girlgear wants for you, together we can support and love each other, as we strive for our wildest dreams and become the best versions of ourselves.

Check out the article for more details!




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