Every sports parent has been there, right? You offer to be the organizer of the end-of-season gift for the coaches. You send emails. Talk to parents at practices and games. Send reminders. Collect money from those who have cash with them. Send reminders. Figure out what and how to buy a gift. Send more reminders. And a few more reminders. Thank goodness for PassHat, a new secure online group collection service, that makes the process soooo much easier. PassHat isn't just for coach's gifts. You can use it for any group collection effort: class gift for teachers, co-worker's retirement gift from the office, even a birthday present for a friend from a group of friends. From the PassHat website:
Create, invite, remind, collect and deliver a gift from your group from the comfort of your browser. No more collecting cash, depositing checks, nagging people for a contribution or remembering to buy a gift card - PassHat does it all for you!
The added benefit that I consider the icing on the cake? PassHat offers a variety of gift cards right on its site, so you can select and deliver the gift with a click. PassHat can be used to collect dues, registration fees, pretty much anything that requires the collective donations of a number of people. They're offering a special 50% DISCOUNT for the Dragonwing girlgear community, so don't hesitate. Now, if only it could do laundry.... Check out a PassHat video by clicking here or see below.